You’re Getting Very Sleepy – The Dangers Of Fatigue In The Workplace

We all get tired. Sometimes it happens from a restless night, other times from a fun night out enjoying evening festivities with friends into the wee hours. Sometimes we can simply cure our daily fatigue with a cup of coffee, a quick walk or run, or a catnap in the middle of the day. However, sometimes fatigue is just more than a symptom of a bad night’s sleep, whatever the cause. Indeed, sometimes fatigue is caused by overexertion in the workplace. Fatigue in the workplace caused by overexertion can manifest itself in many serious ways. Work-related fatigue can result in symptoms of mood swings, disordered eating, problems with the stomach and digestive system, problems with sleep, and mood disorders, among other serious problems. Workplace fatigue is such a serious problem that the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance to the public about work and fatigue. The findings from the CDCs guidance are important for Mississippi workers to know.
What is Fatigue Under the CDC’s Guidance?
Most people likely define fatigue as being extremely sleepy or tired. The CDC defines fatigue as “a feeling of weariness, tiredness or lack of energy.”
What Factors in a Workplace Cause Fatigue Injuries?
According to the CDC, there are several factors in workplaces that can cause fatigue or be associated with fatigue. First, the CDC states that nonstandard schedules can cause fatigue. Nonstandard schedules can cause fatigue because hours are not “typical” and sometimes, as in the case of a night shift worker, can be completely opposite to a regular day. The CDC also notes that nonstandard schedules can take the form of overextended hours, which can cause fatigue. Secondly, the CDC notes that fatigue can be caused by workplace stress. Stress can harm the body in many ways, including causing extreme weariness and lack of energy. Third, according to the CDC, physical or mentally demanding tasks, such as standing for long periods, performing repetitive movements, and lifting or moving heavy objects, can cause fatigue. Finally, the CDC states that working in hot environments can cause fatigue. Being subjected to high temperatures for even short durations can make a person extremely weary and weak.
What are the Dangers of Fatigue in the Workplace?
According to the CDC guidance, severe fatigue can impact any worker in any job or industry, and can have serious consequences to both worker safety and worker health. Fatigue is dangerous because it can slow down a worker’s reaction time, harm short-term memory, reduce a worker’s ability to concentrate and pay attention, and impair a worker’s overall judgment. Some studies indicate that suffering from extreme fatigue can even have the same effect on a person as being drunk. It goes without saying that extreme fatigue in the workplace is dangerous and protections should be in place in every workplace to prevent worker fatigue.
Help with Your Workplace Injury
Whether you have been injured as a result of overexertion and fatigue, or you have suffered a different workplace injury, you should know that you may have options under State laws. Most workers in Mississippi who are injured on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. To find out if you might be entitled to benefits, such as wage replacement, medical costs, and other compensation, reach out to an experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyer. Contact the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation attorneys at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today to discuss your entitlement to benefits under Mississippi workers’ compensation laws.