Why Is Truck Driving Such Dangerous Work? Learn About The Hazards Hard Working Truck Drivers Face Every Day On The Job

It is easy to forget in the age of online shopping and 2-day shipping just what it takes to get a product delivered to our doorsteps. When we run errands at the grocery store or go clothes shopping, we also rarely stop to think about what it took to get a dress on the rack or a T-bone steak in a deli display case. The reality is that in Mississippi, and all across the country, commercial truck drivers work hard to get the goods we need and want to the stores we visit, malls we frequent, and right to our homes. Although truck driving is certainly an extremely important job in Mississippi and throughout the United States, it is also, unfortunately, also a very dangerous job, and commercial truck drivers must face a host of hazards on the job every single day. But what are those hazards and why is truck driving just so dangerous? Here are a few reasons why truck driving still ranks as one of the most dangerous jobs in America.
The Road Can be a Dangerous Place
One of the most dangerous hazards that truck drivers must face is the environment that they work in most: the truck on the road. Semi-trucks in and of themselves are extremely heavy, large machines that, even when equipped with assistive technologies, can be hard to maneuver. In addition, truck drivers are also faced with driving their loads where there are poor road conditions and bad road infrastructure, which can lead to serious and deadly accidents. Truck drivers must also share the road with other drivers, which can lead to trucking accidents.
Long Hours, Little Rest
Although there are federal regulations in place that mandate certain scheduling requirements for rest breaks for truck drivers, there is no doubt that truck drivers are overworked. Truck drivers often work extremely long hours, doing work that requires heavy manual labor at times, and extreme mental vigilance while out on the road. Lack of sleep can obviously lead to accidents on the road or in the warehouse, but it can also lead to overall poor health in truck drivers.
Lifting and Jumping
Truck drivers often perform heavy repetitive movements over and over again. One common repetitive movement that truck drivers must perform is jumping out of their trucks onto hard concrete on a frequent basis. This can lead to back and knee injuries. In addition, truck drivers must move heavy loads and products, which can injure the back, neck, wrist, and elbows, and can also cause nerve and muscle injuries.
Help for Injured Workers in Mississippi
If you have been injured on the job in Mississippi, contact the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today. The lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help. Contact Lunsford Baskin & Priebe and speak to a lawyer about your rights for free.