What Not To Do In Your Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Case

Workers’ compensation is available to employees who are injured on the job. However, Louisiana has some strict rules about when workers can receive workers’ compensation. If you make a mistake, you might not be able to receive the benefits you’re entitled to.
Here are several things not to do if you’re trying to claim workers’ compensation benefits.
Don’t wait to report your accident or injury
When you’re injured on the job, don’t wait to report the accident. You should tell your employer right away. In Louisiana, you can lose the right to workers’ compensation benefits if you don’t notify your employer about the injury within 30 days.
Additionally, notifying your employer early can help prove your claim that you were injured, as well as when the injury occurred, and the extent of the injury.
Don’t wait to see a doctor
After an injury or accident, don’t wait to see a doctor. You want to catch injuries early, especially ones that can have long-term consequences, like back injuries. Seeing a doctor and catching problems early can help you receive appropriate care and prevent further pain and suffering down the road.
The doctor will document your injuries close to the time of the accident. This will prevent potential claims that your injury happened outside of work, or that you’re faking your injury.
Your workplace and the workers’ compensation insurance company have the right to ask you to take an independent medical exam to get information about your injury. Don’t delay this appointment because it could raise red flags about your injury.
When you’re at the medical exam, be honest about your symptoms and pain levels. Don’t downplay your injury, but also, don’t exaggerate it.
Don’t ignore the doctor’s orders and advice
After you see the doctor, don’t ignore what they have to say. They are medical professionals, and they want you to get and stay better.
If the doctor orders you to stay at home and heal, don’t try to go back to work too soon and don’t take on heavy DIY projects at home. This can make your injuries look less severe than they are.
On the other hand, if the doctor clears you for light duty, don’t delay going back to work. This might make you look like you don’t want to work, and that you aren’t actually injured.
Don’t put off physical therapy, and make sure you do any prescribed stretches and exercises. If the doctor orders you to wear a back brace when lifting heavy items, or a wrist brace when you’re typing, do it.
Following the doctor’s orders and advice will help you receive all the workers’ compensation you’re owed.
Not hiring an experienced workers’ compensation attorney
Finally, don’t delay in hiring an attorney, especially if you think that your employer or the insurance company is going to contest or deny your claim. Working with an experienced Louisiana & Mississippi workers’ compensation attorney can help you make sure that you receive all the benefits you need.