Waste Collection Worker Injured In Pinning Accident On The Job

Workplaces present a host of injuries to workers, some of which aren’t easy to avoid or even foresee. This rang truer than ever recently when a Baton Rouge waste collection employee was involved in a horrific accident when a car crashed into the garbage truck he and another waste collection worker were driving on their garbage collection route. According to a local news report, the two workers were working their waste collection route and were riding on the back of the garbage truck when a car collided with the truck, pinning one employee’s legs. The other waste collection worker was able to jump out of the way, but the pinned worker was seriously injured. Witnesses at the scene noted that there was a large amount of blood, and speculated that the worker had possibly broken both of his legs. Fortunately, witnesses at the scene were able to calm the worker and he was later taken to the hospital in critical condition. The driver of the car that crashed into the garbage truck was a 23-year-old man who was driving with an expired license plate. He was issued a citation for careless operation of the vehicle and for the expired license plate.
Workplace Injuries and the Workers’ Compensation System
As the waste collection worker’s tragic pinning accident demonstrates, it is impossible for workers to avoid all workplace injuries, even with the highest level of safety vigilance. Unforeseeable workplace accidents can occur when a worker least expects in, and the source of an accident can be the least expected. When a workplace injury occurs, fortunately, for many Louisiana workers, the Louisiana workers’ compensation system is in place to help with medical expenses and wages while out for an injury. However, workers’ compensation insurance companies do not work for injured workers, and the workers’ compensation benefits process can be complex and daunting, especially for the seriously injured. While Louisiana workers’ compensation laws are in place to protect workers when they are seriously injured or fall ill on the job, the system is not easy to navigate, which can be compounded by lack of cooperation on the part of workers’ compensation insurance companies. Because of this, the best thing that an injured or ill worker can do when they experience an on-the-job accident is to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in their area.
Experienced Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Can Help
Something to look for when searching for a Louisiana workers’ compensation attorney is whether that attorney focuses in the practice area of workers’ compensation. Since the Louisiana workers’ compensation system is a complex one, it is important to have an experienced Louisiana & Mississippi workers’ compensation attorney on your side if you are injured on the job. The attorneys at Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe focus on workers’ compensation claims and are proven advocates for injured workers navigating the workers’ compensation system. If you have been injured or have fallen ill on the job, contact our office today for a free and confidential consultation to see if we can help you get workers’ compensation benefits.