Truck Accident Statistics: The Impacts Of Large Trucks On The Road

Some might say that America runs on trucks. Semi-trucks, trucks that are distinguished by having both a tractor unit and one or more semi-trailers or flatbeds to carry goods and freight and typically require a commercial driver’s license to operate, move America’s goods from across borders and ports to warehouses, stores, and our homes throughout the country. It is almost impossible to drive down a highway in America at any hour of the day without seeing a truck hauling a container or a flatbed of goods at speed, or to meander through a city without seeing a truck parked into an unloading zone delivering goods. Indeed, trucks are a crucial part of the logistics system in America, and truck drivers are the foundation of that system.
Truck drivers, commercial and non-commercial, who drive semi-trucks are required to obtain certain licenses to be able to operate such large vehicles and the machinery that comes with such vehicle operation. Furthermore, most truck drivers are also trained in how to operate their trucks and are required to adhere to strict safety standards on the road and in loading and unloading goods. However, truck accidents do occur, and, mostly due to the sheer size of trucks, they can be very lethal.
The National Safety Council reports that in 2020, 4,842 large trucks (defined as those trucks that have a gross vehicle weight of over 10,000 pounds, are used commercially or non-commercially, and do not include buses or motor homes) were involved in fatal truck accidents. According to the National Safety Council, this figure actually represents a slight decrease in truck accidents since 2019, but a 33% increase in truck accidents since 2011. In terms of the numbers of fatalities due to truck accidents, a total of 4,965 people were killed in truck accidents in 2020 in the United States.
When it comes to truck accidents that result not in fatalities, but in injuries, in 2020, the National Safety Council reports that 107,000 large trucks were involved in trucking accidents in the United States. Again, the Council reports, this represents a 10% decrease since 2019, but an increase in truck accidents of 5% since 2016. The Council further reports that a whopping 147,000 injuries occurred in 2020 as a result of truck accidents in the United States.
Truck Accident Lawyers Help Injured Motorists Get Justice for Negligent Truck Accidents
A truck accident can be caused by a number of factors, but common reasons when it is the truck driver’s fault include poor training, bad hiring practices of the trucking employer, poor truck maintenance, negligence of the truck driver, and unsecured loads on the truck, resulting in falling objects. In these cases, when a motorist is injured, they may have a personal injury case, and may be entitled to compensation for damages as a result of the truck accident. The best thing that a person can do if they are injured in a truck accident is to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. The experienced Batesville truck accident lawyers at Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe provide a free and confidential consultation. During your consultation with a Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe lawyer, you can learn your rights and options, and see if they can help you get justice and compensation for injuries sustained from a truck accident. Contact the law office of Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe today to get started with your free and confidential consultation.