Top Five Work-Related Head Injury Causes in Mississippi

Every year, Traumatic Brain Injuries impact over two million Americans. A significant number of these injuries are debilitating or fatal. All these wounds are permanent. Once brain cells die, they never regenerate. Extended physical therapy can ease the symptoms but never cure the disease.
Many TBIs occur at work. Contrary to popular myth, not all of them occur in construction industry sectors. Office workers are just as vulnerable, or perhaps even more vulnerable, to TBIs.
In all these situations, a Jackson workers’ compensation attorney might be able to obtain money for wage replacement and medical bill payment. Injured victims and their families badly need these resources to stay afloat financially and diminish the long-term effects of a brain injury.
Slip-and-fall injuries and falls from a height are the leading cause of TBIs in Mississippi. The specific cause could be a trauma injury or the motion of a fall.
Hardhats only protect part of the head. Generally, the forehead and back of the neck are completely exposed to danger. In the wake of such injuries, many victims do not “feel” injured. Adrenaline masks the pain, and the brain is quite adept at concealing its own injuries. As a result, some of these victims do not get the medical help they need until their injuries become more advanced.
As for motion-related head injuries, the brain does not fit snugly inside the skull, like a head fits into a football helmet. Instead, the skull is essentially a water tank which suspends the brain and spinal cord in cerebrospinal fluid. When people fall and land hard, their brains hit the insides of their skulls. These invisible head injuries are especially difficult to diagnose and treat.
Motor Vehicle Crashes
Busy construction sites often feature many large vehicles with drivers that have little experience operating such machines. As a result, serious motor vehicle crashes at construction sites are quite common.
In addition to motion and trauma head injuries, car crashes often cause noise-related head injuries. Many car accident witnesses say the incident sounded like an explosion. These sudden loud noises create shock waves that disrupt brain functions.
Struck By Object
According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, speed multiplies the force in a collision between two objects. And, the farther something drops, the more speed it accumulates. Hitting a person on the head with a screwdriver might only cause a headache. But if that screwdriver falls eight or ten stories and hits someone, it will probably cause a permanent head injury, even if the victim is wearing a hardhat.
Construction sites usually feature a diverse array of workers. There is usually strength in diversity, but such diversity is also highly combustible. Petty disputes over socioeconomic differences often become violent. A blow to the head, or even simply a knockdown, could cause a long-lasting head injury. The medical bills related to such injuries frequently exceed $100,000.
Dangerous Products
Companies are strictly liable for the injuries their hazardous products cause. So, if a defective product causes a head injury, the victim can file a legal claim in civil court.
If that happens, in addition to compensation for medical bills and lost wages, the victim might be entitled to compensation for noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment in life, and emotional distress.
Reach Out to a Thorough Attorney
Head injuries are among the most common job injuries. For a free consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Jackson, contact Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe, PLLC. Home and hospital visits are available.