The Defendant Has Served Interrogatories in My Louisiana Car Accident Case – What Does this Mean? Interrogatories in Louisiana Car Accident Cases Explained

If we are lucky, in our lifetime we will not be the victim of a serious car accident caused by a negligent or drunk driver. Indeed, even in today’s modern world with all the various safety technologies available (such a blind-spot detection, airbags, backup cameras, collision warnings, lane assist, and the like) negligently-caused car accidents and drunk driving car accidents can happen to virtually anyone, anywhere, across Louisiana and throughout the country. Fortunately, in Louisiana and other states, when a person is injured in a car accident due to another driver or party’s negligence, or due to a drunk driver, they may be entitled to money compensation under civil personal injury laws.
One part of the civil personal injury lawsuit process that many Louisiana car accident victims may not know about is called the discovery process. During this process, both sides – the victim, or “plaintiff”, and the allegedly liable person or party, or the “defendant” – may gather relevant information from each other under the court rules. Accordingly, Louisiana car accident victims may be served with written questions to answer called “interrogatories” during the course of their case. But what are interrogatories and must Louisiana car accident victims respond to a defendant’s written questions? To help Louisiana car accident victims better understand this important piece of the personal injury lawsuit process, we answer those questions here.
Interrogatories under Louisiana Civil Laws
Under Louisiana civil laws, parties to a personal injury lawsuit may serve interrogatories upon each other requesting written responses. Under Louisiana civil procedure laws, “Each interrogatory shall be answered separately and fully in writing under oath, unless it is objected to, in which even the reasons for the objection shall be stated in lieu of an answer…The party upon whom the interrogatories have been served shall serve of a copy of the answers, and objections if any, within thirty days after the service of the interrogatories [with some exceptions]….” In sum, a party to a lawsuit must, in fact, answer interrogatories served upon them by the other party to the lawsuit, and must do so within thirty days. The responding party, however, may object to answering interrogatories, and must do so in writing. It is important to note that responses to interrogatories may be used in the case to support the other party’s position.
Legal Help with Your Louisiana Car Accident Case
If you were injured in a car accident in Louisiana, it is important to discuss your rights and options with an experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyer. If you were served with interrogatories, and you do not have a lawyer, it is best to get help as soon as possible, as time limits apply under Louisiana laws. The experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC are here to help Louisiana car accident victims get justice due to them for their injuries and losses. Contact the experienced Louisiana car accident lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options now.