Study Reveals Private Industries With Highest Incidence Of Workplace Injuries And Illnesses

Workplace injuries, accidents, and illnesses are not necessarily uncommon in Louisiana and Mississippi. When workers go to work, they don’t expect to get injured or ill on the job, but, unfortunately, there are a host of on-the-job hazards in almost every occupation that may lead to a workplace accident or injury. A study from Eastern Kentucky University, which was based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, highlights some of these industries, and provides insight into jobs in the United States that have the highest incidence of workplace injuries and illnesses.
According to the study, in 2009, there were a reported 3.3 million workplace injuries and illnesses that were non-fatal in private industries. Broken down, that equates to approximately 3.6 workplace injuries or illnesses for every 100 full-time workers. That number seems to have decreased over ten years, but the numbers still remain high. The study reveals that in 2019, there were a reported 2.8 million workplace injuries or illnesses that were not fatal in private industries, or approximately 2.8 cases out of every 100 workers.
The study also reveals that some industries are more hazardous than others when it comes to workplace injuries and illnesses. According to the study, the private industries that have the highest incidence of workplace injuries and illnesses are health care and social assistance, manufacturing, retail trade (selling merchandise), accommodation and food services, and transportation and warehousing.
Another study, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, further breaks down these industries and reveals the industries with the highest incidence of workplace injuries and illnesses for 2021. According to the study, for private employers, the top 10 industries with the highest workplace injuries and illnesses, in order, were nursing care facilities, skiing facilities, veterinary services, ambulance services, animal production, aluminum foundries, manufactured home manufacturing, psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, general medical and surgical hospitals, and travel trailer and camper manufacturing. The study appears to be somewhat consistent with the findings in 2019, particularly with regard to the finding that health care and social assistance is an industry with a high rate of workplace injuries and illnesses.
Injured on the Job or Fallen Ill? Call a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today
Even though the numbers show that there are many industries that present on-the-job hazards, workers do have recourse if they experience a workplace injury or illness. The Louisiana and Mississippi workers’ compensation systems provide a means for most workers to get benefits such as lost wages and medical expenses paid if they are injured or fall ill on the job. However, the Louisiana and Mississippi workers’ compensation systems are not easy for most workers to navigate, and so it’s important for workers to reach out to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney when they are injured on the job. The Louisiana & Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe can provide a free confidential case evaluation to learn about what happened to you and to see if they can help. Contact the lawyers at Lunsford, Baskin & Priebe today to speak to a lawyer about your workers’ compensation rights and options.