Pointing The Finger: Do I Have To Prove That My Employer Was Negligent Or Otherwise At Fault To Obtain Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Benefits After A Workplace Injury?

When many people think about the legal system in general, they envision a packed courtroom with fighting lawyers, a stern and quick-tempered judge with a gavel in -hand ready to bark orders, and solemn parties to a controversy with their heads in their hands and their lawyers by their sides. Therefore, when a Mississippi worker is injured on the job, he or she may wonder whether they will have to go through the court process in order to obtain important Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits, such as reimbursement for medical expenses, wage replacement compensation, rehabilitation services and job retraining, and other important benefits. Indeed, the thought of having to participate in a legal case may be daunting for Mississippi injured workers, especially while simultaneously recovering from a serious workplace injury. The good news for Mississippi workers is that Mississippi workers do not have to prove that their employer was at fault in order to obtain Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits. In fact, in Mississippi, the workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system, meaning that the employee need not prove their employer was negligent or otherwise to blame to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits under the law.
Importantly, however, even though the Mississippi workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system, Mississippi workers who are injured and who apply for workers’ compensation benefits may still be required to participate in some formal processes before an administrative law judge. If an employer or an employer’s insurance company denies workers’ compensation benefits to a worker, an administrative law judge, that is a judge who works within the workers’ compensation system, may order a hearing to hear both sides’ arguments. Mississippi workers can, and should be, represented by counsel during a Mississippi workers’ compensation hearing for the best possible chance of success. Notably, not all workers’ compensation claimants will have to go through the workers’ compensation hearing process, and some workers’ compensation benefits claims are approved without the need for a hearing or other additional participation in the Mississippi workers’ compensation system.
Help for Injured Workers in Mississippi – Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Whether you are just starting your Mississippi workers’ compensation claim, or you have a Mississippi workers’ compensation hearing coming up, it is best to speak with an experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyer about your rights and options in your Mississippi workers’ compensation case. The experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at the law firm of Lunsford Baskin & Priebe offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your workplace injury and to see if they can help you obtain Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits by providing you representation in filing your claim and working with you through the Mississippi workers’ compensation process. If you have been injured on the job in Mississippi, contact the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today and speak to an experienced lawyer about your workers’ compensation case for free.