New Orleans Tops Charts when it Comes to Number of Hit-and-Run Car Accident, Rights of Hit-and-Run Victims under Louisiana Laws Explained

There is no doubt that hit and run accidents can be some of the most terrifying and deadly accidents out on Louisiana roads. After being hit by another vehicle, the victim of a hit-and-run accident may be left alone and abandoned by the negligent hit-and-run driver, and may be left severely injured, or may even be left for dead. The unfortunate truth, however, is that hit-and-run accidents are not extremely rare in Louisiana’s most bustling city and drivers in the Big Easy must exercise extreme vigilance on New Orleans’ streets and roads. To help New Orleans drivers better understand just how prevalent –and dangerous – hit-and-run accidents are in New Orleans, we provide insights regarding New Orleans’ hit and run statistics here.
New Orleans – A Dangerous Place to Drive?
According to KEEL 101.7 News, one way to determine how dangerous the drivers are in a state is to look at just how high the average resident of that state pays for car insurance. KEEL reports, based on a study by Forbes, that Louisiana residents pay over $3,600 for insurance, trailing only Florida ($4,300 per resident) and New York ($4,700 per resident). Another indicator are the plain old numbers when it comes to hit-and-run accidents within the state, and particularly in major cities within the state. When it comes to Louisiana, the city of New Orleans ranks as one of the highest in terms of hit-and-run accidents, with a whopping 231 total fatal car accidents in the 5 years from 2017-2021, nearly 10% (9.52%) of which were or involved a hit-and-run driver. New Orleans is both the deadliest city in Louisiana when it comes to hit-and-run car accidents, and the fourteenth most deadly city for hit-and-run accidents in the United States.
Legal Rights and Options for Victims of Hit-and-Run Accidents in New Orleans
With these frightening statistics in mind, many New Orleans drivers may wonder what rights and options they may have if they are involved in a hit-and-run accident due to another driver’s negligent driving. Fortunately, in New Orleans, under Louisiana personal injury laws, victims of negligent hit-and-run accidents and other car accidents may be entitled to money compensation for their injuries and losses. There is a limited time to file a claim for compensation under Louisiana personal injury laws in New Orleans, so it is best to speak with an experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyer as soon as possible about your case after you have been injured in a car accident due to another driver’s fault.
The experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your New Orleans car accident and to see if they can help you get compensation due to you under Louisiana personal injury laws. Contact the experienced New Orleans personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC today and speak to a lawyer about your rights, options, and next steps for free.