Minnesota Manufacturing Worker Killed in Horrific Concrete Drum Accident

The dangers that manufacturing workers, construction workers, and other workers who work with concrete face are becoming more and more apparent to the general public as another worker’s life was taken this week due to a concrete-involved workplace accident. According to national news reports, CBS News, on the morning of Monday, April 29, a 63-year-old Minnesota man who was working for concrete mixer manufacturer Con-Tech was killed while on shift. Dodge County Sheriff’s officers looking into the horrific workplace accident report that the fatal workplace accident happened around 10:00 a.m. at the concrete mixer manufacturing plant. The worker, who was from Brownsdale, Minnesota, was apparently “cutting a crossbeam support on a dolly that was supporting a 5,000-pound mixer drum, when the dolly failed.” The failure of the dolly to hold and support the concrete drum resulted in the mixer falling on the 63-year-old worker. Despite attempts by the worker’s coworkers to try to free him from underneath the concrete drum, and first responder emergency life-saving measures, the worker was, ultimately, pronounced dead at the scene of the workplace accident at around 10:30 a.m. Although details into the incident remain scarce, the investigation into the accident is ongoing, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is involved.
What can Surviving Family Members Do when a Loved One is Killed on the Job in Mississippi?
Unfortunately, fatal workplace accidents happen across the country on a daily basis, and workers are at risk of a variety of hazards every day that may severely injure or kill them. In Mississippi, when a worker dies in a fatal workplace accident, certain surviving dependent family members may be entitled to money compensation under Mississippi workers’ compensation death benefits laws. Compensation under Mississippi workers’ death benefits laws may include a lump-sum payment, compensation for funeral expenses, compensation for medical expenses, and more. In order to determine whether you may have a claim for compensation under Mississippi workers’ compensation death benefits laws for the loss of your loved one, it is best to speak with an experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible about your rights, options, and next steps.
Justice for the Families of Workers Killed at Work in Mississippi
Whether due to a concrete accident at a manufacturing plant, a fall from heights on a construction site, or a traumatic head injury at a warehouse, no family should suffer the loss of a loved one due to their work. However, when a person loses a beloved family member to a workplace accident in Mississippi, the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at the law firm Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC are here to help. The experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC help Mississippi families get compensation due for their terrible loss under Mississippi workers’ compensation death benefits laws. If your loved one was killed on the job in Mississippi, do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC to discuss your unique case. Contact the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC today and speak to a lawyer about your case now.