Louisiana “Legal Corner” Addresses Worker Compensation Question Posed by Pelican State Residents and Workers: Are All Workplace Injuries Covered Under Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Laws?

Pelican State workers and residents have a lot of questions when it comes to the state’s workers’ compensation benefits program. Often feeling left in the dark when applying for workers’ compensation benefits due to a disabling workplace injury, Louisiana workers often are at a loss for how to navigate the complex Louisiana workers’ compensation system and how to obtain benefits for a serious workplace injury. Fortunately, local Louisiana news channel KPLC 7 saw a need to respond to viewer and reader questions about the state’s workers’ compensation system to provide clarity to those potentially seeking workers’ compensation benefits to help get them back on their feet after a workplace injury. To help Louisiana workers better understand the complex Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits system, we highlight one of those questions here. That question, as posed by a KPLC 7 viewer is “I was injured on my job, is my injury automatically covered under Louisiana workers’ compensation? If it is found that my injury is covered, what benefits am I entitled to receive?” Read on to find out.
Question 1: Are All On-the-Job Injuries Covered Under Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Laws?
The first question asked to KPLC 7’s “Legal Corner” about Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits concerns whether all workplace injuries are covered under the state’s laws. The answer is no. As KPLC 7 indicates, “In Louisiana, an injury that occurs on the job is not automatically covered under workers’ compensation. If the injury or illness is found to be job-related, one may be entitled to receive medical care for the injury or illness, disability compensation for a portion of his list wages, rehabilitation services, and, in the event of the employee’s death, benefits payable to his survivors. It is recommended that an attorney who specializes in Louisiana workers’ compensation be contacted to answer in greater detail.” Some of the reasons for which a worker may not be covered under Louisiana worker’ compensation laws for a serious workplace injury are that the employer is exempted from Louisiana workers’ compensation laws, that the injury was not in fact “job-related”, or for other reasons under the state workers’ compensation laws.
Legal Help for Injured Louisiana Workers Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits – Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you were injured on the job in Louisiana and you are disabled from working, it is best to learn about your rights and options under Louisiana workers’ compensation laws as soon as possible. The best way to learn about your rights to workers’ compensation benefits in Louisiana is to contact an experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyer about your case. The experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at the law firm Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC are here to help Louisiana workers get workers’ compensation benefits due to them. Do not hesitate to speak to an experienced lawyer about your case today. Contact the experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options under Louisiana laws now.