Louisiana Car Accident FAQ: What are Requests for Production in My Car Accident Lawsuit, and Do I Really Have to Produce My Documents?

Once a person has filed a case for compensation under Louisiana personal injury laws for their car accident injuries, they may feel a little in the dark about the next steps of the litigation process. Indeed, Louisiana personal injury laws and the rules and laws of the court of jurisdiction may be confusing, complex, and just plain difficult to understand for a Louisiana car accident victim. However, once a Louisiana car accident victim files their case in court, deadlines to respond to certain requests for evidence may come due quickly, and a Louisiana car accident victim who is not represented by a lawyer may not know exactly how to respond. Accordingly, to help Louisiana car accident victims better understand one part of the litigation process, we discuss how to respond to one type of discovery requests, requests for production of documents, here.
The Discovery Process in Louisiana Personal Injury Cases
At the outset, it is important for Louisiana car accident victims to understand that if they file a case for compensation in court, they may serve discovery requests on the party they allege is at fault. Discovery requests are requests served under the court rules to gather evidence from the other party in the litigation. Discovery requests include requests for production, which are requests that specifically ask the other party to produce documents that are relevant to the case and the plaintiff’s claims. Critically, the defendant to the lawsuit – the party that the plaintiff alleges is liable – can also serve requests for production on the plaintiff.
Responding to Requests for Production of Documents
Does a plaintiff have to respond to the defendant’s requests for production of documents? The answer is “yes”. Under the court rules, a plaintiff (just like a defendant) must respond to the defendant’s request for production of documents, and must do so within the relevant time period outlined by the rules of civil procedure. Failure to do so could result in the defendant compelling the production of documents, and even sanctions, in some cases. Accordingly, responding to a request for production of documents is very important, and Louisiana car accident plaintiffs who have been served with requests for production of documents should consult with an experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyer as soon as possible about their responses.
Legal Help for Car Accident Victims in Louisiana – Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer
If you were injured in a car accident in Louisiana and you need legal help, contact the experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC. The experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC are here to help victims of serious car accidents in Louisiana get justice due for their injuries and losses caused by negligent drivers. Do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your case today. Contact the experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC and learn more about your rights now.