Keeping an Eye Out – How Workers in Louisiana Can Protect Their Eyes on the Job

One of the most catastrophic workplace injuries that could happen to a worker is the loss of vision of one or both eyes, or a serious eye injury that leads to vision impairment. Indeed, the loss of vision can severely impact a worker’s life and can also disable them from working their job. In order to help workers better understand how they can take proactive steps to protect their eyes, the American Optometric Association has put together guidance on best practices for preventing workplace eye injuries. Here we detail the AOA’s recommendations, and what Louisiana workers can do if they suffer a disabling eye injury at work.
The American Optometric Association Speaks Out – Four Steps Workers Can Take to Better Protect Their Eyes
According to the AOA, there are four main things that workers can do to take steps to proactively better protect their eyes. The first thing is to know exactly what the hazards to workers’ eyes are in the particular workplace. The second thing is to eliminate eye hazards before starting the work or task by using protective equipment and tools such as machine guards, screens, and other controls or tools. Third, the AOA recommends that workers wear proper eye protection when performing work tasks. Finally, the AOA recommends that workers also make sure that safety gear, such as eyewear and goggles, are in good and working order and condition and to ensure that faulty equipment is replaced. In terms of what type of eye protection to wear, the AOA notes that there are a number of options. Protective eyewear that workers can use to help better protect their vision include prescription and non-prescription safety glasses, face shields and helmets, goggles, and other special protection such as goggles that contain filtered lenses.
Help for Louisiana Workers Who have Suffered a Workplace Eye Injury
Most Louisiana workers who suffer disabling workplace injuries, such as disabling workplace eye injuries, are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits under Louisiana workers’ compensation laws. Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits include things like wage replacement compensation, vocational training, medical expense reimbursement, and other important benefits to help workers get back on their feet. To find out if you may be entitled to Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits, it is best to speak with an experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible after a workplace accident occurs.
If you were injured on the job in Louisiana and you need assistance with obtaining important Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits, contact the law offices of Lunsford Baskin & Priebe. The experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to find out if they can help fight for you to get your workers’ compensation benefits due. Contact the experienced Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe today and speak to a Louisiana workers’ compensation lawyer about your case for free.