Keeping an Eye on Worker Safety: Spreading Awareness about Common Potential Eye Hazards in New Orleans Workplaces

Vision is a precious sense. We use our eyes to protect ourselves from danger, see the world, explore, do our daily necessary tasks, take care of ourselves and others, and take in beautiful sights. For many New Orleans workers, the thought of losing one’s vision is frightening, catastrophic, and also may seem like a remote possibility. The truth of the matter is, however, that eye injuries and workplace accidents causing loss of vision can and do happen in New Orleans workplaces, and workers are at risk of losing their vision or becoming vision-impaired in many New Orleans occupations. Accordingly, to help New Orleans workers keep their eyes safer at work, we describe common potential eye hazards that may be present in New Orleans workplaces.
Eye Hazards in New Orleans Workplaces – What You Can Watch for to Keep Safer on the Job
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), there are four common potential eye hazards that can harm workers’ vision and can even lead to complete blindness. Those four common potential workplace eye hazards include:
- Projectiles: workers’ eyes can be injured by small or larger particles such as dust, concrete pieces, pieces of metal or wood, and other like particles;
- Chemicals: vision injuries and impairments may be caused by splashes of harmful chemicals or fumes that enter the eyes;
- Radiation: radioactive light, such as ultraviolet light, heat or infrared light, and lasers, may lead to eye injury and loss of vision in the workplace; and
- Bloodborne pathogens: viruses may be present in blood and bodily fluids, and workers who work with bloodborne pathogens may be at risk for contracting viruses that impair the eyes or vision.
If one or more of these eye hazards are present in your workplace, the AOA recommends that eye protection is essential. Of course, workers who work in workplaces where eye hazards are present should exercise the utmost vigilance when it comes to safety practices, and employers should strictly maintain safe workspaces and provide the highest level of protection to employees facing eye hazards on the job.
Help for Workers in New Orleans Who Have Suffered On-the-Job Eye Injuries
If you work in New Orleans and you were involved in a workplace accident that impaired your vision or caused you vision loss, do not hesitate to speak to an experienced New Orleans eye injury loss of vision lawyer about your rights and options. Under Louisiana workers’ compensation laws, workers who have been injured on the job and who are unable to work may be entitled to Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits to help them get back on their feet and back to work.
The experienced New Orleans eye injury loss of vision lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your workplace eye injury and to see if they can help get Louisiana workers’ compensation benefits due to you. Contact Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC today and speak to a lawyer about your case today.