I am Interested in Applying for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Mississippi, but What are They? Find Out All About Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Benefits Here

When a person is injured at work in a serious workplace accident in Mississippi, they may wonder what their rights and options are when it comes to important Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits. The truth of the matter is that while many – if not most – workers in Mississippi have likely heard the term “workers’ compensation benefits”, they may not know exactly what these benefits are or how to obtain them if they are injured on the job. In order to help uncover some of the mystery surrounding what exactly Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits are, and what the best first step to obtaining them is after a workplace injury, we discuss what benefits are available and what injured Mississippi workers can do after a workplace injury for the best chance of obtaining them here.
Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Benefits: Medical Benefits and Wage Loss Benefits
According to the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission, there are two types of workers’ compensation benefits that are available under Mississippi workers’ compensation laws. The first type of benefits are medical benefits. The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission says of these benefits, “An injured worker is entitled to whatever reasonable and necessary medical services are required to treat the injury and achieve maximum cure. These include but are not limited to doctor and hospital services, nursing services, medication, physical therapy, crutches and any other apparatus or medical service which is necessary. Mileage expense reimbursement for trips to the doctor is also included; consult the Commission’s internet site at www.mwcc.state.ms.us for current rates. Certain rehabilitation services may also be provided to assist the worker in his recovery and return to gainful employment.” In addition, injured Mississippi workers are entitled to wage loss benefits for their workplace injury. The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission explains about these benefits, “If an injured worker is required because of the injury to miss time from work, then he or she is entitled to a wage loss benefit equal to as much as two-thirds of the workers’ average weekly wage, subject a maximum weekly amount and to certain time limits which are set by the Legislature. While the worker is under the continuing care of a doctor and is unable to work or to earn full pay, this benefit is known as a “temporary disability” payment. Once the doctor finds the worker has achieved maximum cure or improvement, additional wage loss benefits known as “permanent disability” payments may be due if the worker has a permanent disability or handicap. All wage loss benefits are required to be paid at least every 14 days so long as the covered disability continues, subject to certain statutorily provided time limits.”
Where to Turn if You Were Injured on the Job in Mississippi – Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you were injured on the job in Mississippi and you need legal assistance obtaining Mississippi workers’ compensation benefits contact the experienced Mississippi workers’ compensation lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC. Do not hesitate to speak to an experienced attorney about your case. Contact Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options now.