Common Injuries After A Car Accident

Car accidents can be terrible and have long-lasting consequences. Fortunately, Mississippi allows victims of motor vehicle accidents to seek compensation from people who caused their injuries.
In personal injury lawsuits, victims in car crashes can have their medical bills paid, along with costs for ongoing treatment for conditions that were created, or worsened, by the accident.
Let’s take a look at some of the common injuries a victim might face after being in a car crash.
Whiplash, Neck, and Back Injury
Whiplash is a neck injury that often occurs in car accidents. This injury happens when someone is jerked forward after being hit by another car, and then backwards by their seatbelt.
Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain and stiffness, headaches, and back pain. Whiplash may go away on its own, but may also require physical therapy for full recovery.
In addition to whiplash, people in car crashes may suffer from back and neck strains as a result of the forces acting on their bodies. Drivers may injure their shoulders by inadvertently bracing against the steering wheel.
Anybody in a car at the time of an accident may have spinal cord injuries. These injuries can be extremely serious and take a long time to recover from.
Concussion and other Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) can happen when someone receives a head injury. Concussions are one type of TBI, and occur when the brain moves around after a blow to the head.
Symptoms of brain injury include confusion, dizziness, amnesia, nausea, difficulty sleeping, and sensitivity to light or noise.
People who hit their heads in car accidents should receive immediate medical attention to prevent serious injury or even death, even if the injury seemed small.
Cuts, Scrapes, Road Rash, and Bruises
Car crashes can lead to broken glass and exposed metal. It’s not uncommon for car accident survivors to be covered in cuts after a window breaks, including on their face. Some of these cuts can be serious and may require stitches.
Car accident victims may also be expelled from the vehicle after the crash, and suffer from serious road rash scrapes that require medical attention.
Many people in car accidents also end up with bruises, including where their seatbelt was laying. These bruises can be painful and take time to heal.
Emotional damages
Finally, surviving a car crash can lead to emotional distress including nightmares, depression, and even fear of getting back in a car. This type of mental distress can take much longer to heal than physical injuries. Treatment for emotional distress is an important aspect of recovering from car accidents.
Working with a Mississippi car accident lawyer
If you’re recovering from a car accident, your primary focus should be on getting better, not your financial situation. Hiring an experienced Mississippi car accident attorney can give you the peace of mind to know that your case is in good hands. Contact us today for a free case consultation.