Author Archives: Other User

Can Loud Noise at Work Affect My Health?
Millions of people go to work every day unaware of the health hazards they are exposed to. When most people think of workplace hazards, they imagine heavy machinery, dangerous lifting, or some kind of physical damage to the bones, muscles, or soft tissue. However, one critical health risk that people unknowingly expose themselves to… Read More »

Is There Workers’ Compensation for Roofing Contractors?
It’s fairly common knowledge that construction jobs come with certain dangers and workplace hazards. In fact, according to The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, roofers have one of the highest rates of workplace injuries and illnesses of any occupation, as well as the highest rates of occupational fatalities. There are several obvious reasons… Read More »

Chemical Exposure and Workers’ Compensation in Louisiana
When a worker becomes ill due to exposure to toxic and hazardous chemicals in the workplace, they have a right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Chemical exposure can lead to severe health issues, many of which can result in long-term damage. So it’s essential for workers to successfully file a claim to ensure… Read More »

The Role of HIPAA In Your Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Claim
Though HIPAA might be a term easily recognized, few know exactly what it is and how it works. From a basic understanding, most people know that HIPAA has to do with their private healthcare information and how it is used by medical providers and healthcare facilities. Beyond that, however, most people are in the… Read More »

Louisiana Excavation and Trench Accident Injuries
Excavation and trench accidents are highly preventable, but many of these accidents have injured and even killed employees. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), hundreds of injuries and dozens of fatalities occur every year due to trench collapses and excavation accidents, making them one of the deadliest accidents that can occur… Read More »

Mississippi Motorcycle Laws You Should Know
Although motorcycles are a thrilling alternative to standard passenger vehicles, they do have risks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), around 5,000 motorcyclists lose their lives every year in vehicular accidents, and motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in an accident than standard passenger vehicle drivers. Mississippi has implemented… Read More »

Mississippi Premises Liability Law and How to Prove Your Case
When you are visiting someone else’s property, whether it is residential or commercial, you have a right to move about without being put in harm’s way. Or, in other words, properties must be kept reasonably free of hazards to ensure the safety of their visitors. This includes retail establishments, residential homes, rental properties, office… Read More »

Can You Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Work?
Workers have a right to safe working conditions that do not pose a threat to their health. This includes exposure to carbon monoxide (CO). Unfortunately, carbon monoxide is a serious concern in many workplace environments. Every year, over 400 people die from accidental CO poisoning, which could have been prevented. Carbon monoxide is an… Read More »
How to Prove Emotional Distress to Help Win Your Case
When most people are in a car accident, they generally only consider how they will afford their medical bills or car repairs—things that are considered economic damages in a personal injury case. But there are also non-economic damages, which are more intangible and without a distinct monetary value—such as emotional distress—that an injured victim… Read More »

Workers’ Compensation For Truck Drivers
According to the FMCSA, there are 2,060 accidents every year involving semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, and other large commercial vehicles. In addition to potentially fatal car accidents, truck operators also regularly face occupational hazards that can cause serious physical harm. Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States, so it only… Read More »