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No Recovery No Fee
Jackson & New Orleans Workers' Compensation Lawyer
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Can I Get Workers Comp If I Have More Than One Job?

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

It is not uncommon for U.S. workers to hold more than one job. In fact, according to the U.S. Census, around 13 million people today are working at least two jobs. It’s not surprising then that workers would be curious about how workers’ comp benefits work when they have more than one job. With… Read More »

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work safety training

The Importance of Safety Training in the Workplace

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Accidents can happen in the workplace even when all safety measures are being followed. However, the chances of an accident occurring are more likely when there is a lack of safety training or proper supervision. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure all of their workers are properly trained and have access to safety… Read More »

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doctor workplace injury

What Is the Role of the Treating Doctor in a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Treating doctors play a critical role in workers’ compensation cases. They not only treat the injured party but also provide invaluable support for compensation claims. It’s crucial to note that you can only have one treating doctor even if you see multiple medical professionals for your injuries. Since you technically only have one treating… Read More »

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workplace respiratory issues

Common Workplace Respiratory Issues in Louisiana: What You Need to Know

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Imagine struggling to breathe and knowing your employer caused your respiratory problem. It’s a heartbreaking situation that’s even more stressful when your employer won’t admit to their role in your health issues. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that up to 500 million U.S. workers are exposed to potentially harmful respiratory conditions at… Read More »

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injured at work

If I Am Injured at Work, How Soon Should I Tell My Employer, and What Is the Best Way to Tell Them?

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

If you experience an injury or illness while at work, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation, but you need to act promptly to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve. Unfortunately, many work injuries go unreported, and workers will pay out of pocket for an injury that their company’s insurance should cover…. Read More »

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drowsy driving

Drowsy Driving in Mississippi is Dangerous: How to Avoid It

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Mark it on your calendar: November 7-14, 2021, Driving Drowsy Prevention Week. Why does such a week exist? It’s to combat a lesser-known, though equally impactful, cause of car crashes: driving under the influence of fatigue. Over 6,400 fatal car accidents, each year are the result of drowsy driving. Such tragedies can be prevented… Read More »

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burn injury

How Much Is My Burn Injury Claim Worth in Louisiana

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Burn injuries are often some of the most physically scarring and emotionally traumatizing injuries a victim can experience. They leave most victims disfigured and can lead to fatal complications. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 180,000 deaths occur annually as a result of burn injuries, with the majority of burns being sustained… Read More »

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permanent disability

What Happens If My Injury at Work Causes a Permanent Disability?

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Work injuries are often incredibly serious. Although many employees make a full recovery after experiencing a workplace accident, some employees will suffer from permanent damages. When that occurs, victims of workplace injuries may have many questions regarding their workers’ compensation. If you or a loved one have experienced a permanent disability from a workplace… Read More »

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construction company work comp

Report: New Construction Companies Make Up Bulk of Comp Claims

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

According to recent data collected from workers’ compensation claims filed over the last ten years, 75% of claims paid outcome from construction companies that have been in business for less than four years. Further findings from the report found that: New employees represent 33% of claims and are at greater risk of sustaining an… Read More »

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helmet laws

Are Motorcycle Helmets Required in Louisiana?

By Lunsford Baskin & Priebe PLLC |

Motorcyclists are not required to abide by many of the rules that govern other passenger vehicles. They don’t wear seat belts, their vehicles don’t come with airbags, and they’re far more exposed than a person driving an automobile. Because motorcyclists have less protection than other drivers, it’s critical that they wear protective motorcycle helmets…. Read More »

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