Alabama First Responder Killed in Tragic Suspected Drunk Driving Car Accident

The tragic news of the death of a first responder assisting a motorist on scene has shaken the residents of Mobile, Alabama, and sets the stage for discussions regarding options for justice for the families of first responders who are killed on the job. According to local news reports, the tragic suspected drunk driving motor vehicle accident occurred on Saturday, December 30 at around 6:45 p.m. in the evening. Initial investigations into the death of the 30-year-old female first responder reveal that the first responder was working for ASAP Medic and was returning from a prior medical call when two vehicles traveling in the same vicinity collided. One vehicle crashed into the rear of the other vehicle, which was towing a utility trailer behind it. When the female ASAP Mobile first responder offered to assist at the accident scene, her vehicle was hit by another vehicle operated by another driver. The driver has been identified as 35-year-old Michael Thomas. Thomas crashed into both the ASAP Mobile first responder and a 28-year-old female driver of one of the stopped vehicles that was involved in the crash. While the 28-year-old who was involved in the initial crash sustained non-life-threatening injuries, the 30-year-old ASAP Mobile first responder was killed at the scene of the accident.
Investigations conducted into the accident also reveal that Thomas “exhibited signs of impairment” at the scene, and he was subsequently taken into police custody. Thomas was ultimately charged with the criminal charges of manslaughter, assault, and felony driving under the influence.
Justice for the Families of First Responders Killed on the Job
The brave men and women who show up to work every day to assist with medical emergencies sadly are often at risk for serious and even fatal workplace accidents. First responders face a number of dangers on the job while they work hard to keep people and communities safe. While no person should lose a loved one, sometimes the families of our brave first responders are faced with the horrific news that their family member has been killed in the line of duty. When this happens, although nothing can replace their loss, certain dependent family members of the first responder killed on the job may be entitled to compensation under workers’ compensation laws. In Louisiana, certain dependent family members of first responders killed at work may be entitled to important workers’ compensation benefits such as medical expense reimbursement and funeral expenses, a lump sum payment, and wage replacement benefits for the loss of earnings. In order to determine whether you may be entitled to these important benefits under Louisiana workers’ compensation laws, it is best to speak with an experienced Louisiana first responder injury lawyer as soon as possible about your rights and options.
Justice for Families in Louisiana
The experienced Louisiana first responder injury lawyers at Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC help Louisiana families get compensation due if a loved one is killed on the job. Contact Lunsford Baskin & Priebe, PLLC for a free and confidential consultation and learn about your rights and options today.